
Why vampires?

Somebody asked me, why vampires. The answer is not so simple as I thought. The first thing was the beauty maybe. It' easy to think about a gorgeous angel or elf, but about a beautiful child of dark it isn't so easy. There are to many contradictions. They can't exist without pray, without beauty, without blood, without love. They kill people and they love them in the same time. They weep for centuries and the hope of happiness for a second can keep them alive. Everything seem so real. It makes me think about having time to read, I mean real time, thousands of years. And having the same time to love, to see the beauty of the world, having the power to live its changing. It's a hard choice ... could I kill for this? For the power of flying without wings, for entering into a pyramid, having the the time to learn languages, any of them, even to read the hieroglyphs, the pyramid texts, to read Latin and Greek. Make friends who lived in ancient Egypt and Rome, sitting at their feet for years and listen to their stories. And it's a little about their ecstasy to. Maybe is to poor, this point of view, but it makes me feel alive. I'm a sun worshiper and vampires are the child of the dark, they can see only sunshine reflected by the moon and the real old ones the dusk and dawn, so I can maybe realize a little what is the price paid. I think, I can't imagine getting all this just for free.

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