

Everything it's about beauty, isn't it? The forms, colors, fragrances ... they give the whole of it. This is somehow the warmth of the world. What about those, who can't see, can't smell, can't hear? Green grass, sunshine, Maurice Russel ... with the beautiful one in middle, and I can't be there ... not now. I feel I'm freezing, feel myself monochrome and without any specific aroma. Stopping the time, living the moment, leaving it for eternity. The world is still turning away, just this hole is remaining still and ever nearby, catching me every time I'm unguarded, taking away the light, the movements, the sounds until it remains only emptiness. Just a body lying on the floor, lingering in time witch is not passing, left without any detail to touch, smell, hear or have. It doesn't even hurt anymore, cause it's just endless space, till words come to wake me up, words I can't hear ... maybe hands, hands I can't feel, can't touch. Motionless endless space. It's a common state ... do we have a word for this? Probably it's HELL.

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