
Are we there yet?

Sometimes I feel myself standing at the edge of world, I can smell the blooming flowers. There are made from every color seen and not seen by mens eyes. The air is hot. The full moon and the sun are friends in the sky. I lay there in that place where death is not known, where they don't have a word for fight. I lay there with my feet playing in crystal water between those tiny fish, like droplets from shine. I feel I could lift my body with only thinking about a thrush or a nightingale, but I'm an earth bounded creature. And I love this place. I'm in loved with those mountains, oceans, torrents, grass, sand and so many other miracles.
I always have to leave that place, but still can find it daily in small movements, small pictures of today, which help me to move on, forget to argue and make me smile, forget all and make me happy. Today I found it in Grieg and in those coffee beans ran between my fingers.

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