- God is pure energy. He scattered the matter into the emptiness. He made the rules of the Universe. He lifted the earth so this way it could rise from the water. He gave the impulse to substance to form organic material. How could science got so close and our faith so far from truth? It’s ludicrous. He is everywhere around, in every stone and lumber. We can feel and see Him.
- I guess this is how faith works. It’s hard to believe in something we already know. People can only believe in something fabulous. Myths proved by science became reality. They just can’t see the enchantment in the word energy. It became a worn-out thing. They can produce energy and it seems too natural. They just can’t see the difference.
- Maybe you’re right. The living energy is something they can’t even imagine since they didn’t measure its pulse yet. The only form of the energy they know has no soul. They see everything as in a mirror. For them the rules of physics created the energy and not the other way around. It’s hard to imagine, how they can live like this and without a purpose.
- They are searching for a meaning. They are trying to get information about our origins but they can’t accept the truth. It’s too simple. It’s only an old story for them. The search became the purpose.
miert? :-O
Ember bíz és bízva bízzál! - A küzdés nem eszköz, cél lett. Legjobb lehetőség is a döntetlen. A nyerések mindig csak látszólagosak, időszakosak...
Hol van ebben az az Isten? Az a pure energy? Misztikum. Jól esik hinni benne. Mindennapi mítosz. - vélemény
Volt egy barátnőm, aki azt állította, hogy a hit az lmebetegeknek és a gyáváknak való. Gondolom ln elmebeteg vagyok és lehet gyáva is.
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